How Does The Conception Forum Work?

Discover and Implement Powerful Solutions Through Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Over the course of nine months, The Conception Forum helps Members identify their organization’s Environmental and Social assets and liabilities. These are used to enable discovery of the organization’s competitive advantages, and to shape potential plans. TCF provides quantitative tools to enable analysis and scenario planning of these assets. Finally, TCF provides sustained consultancy support to enable members to make real headway within their organization at a ratio of 3:1 consulting support to meeting time over the course of the year.

The Conception Forum experience works Members through three waves of development:

1) Megatrends: Mega-Risks with Mega-Opportunities

TCF members get an up-to-date briefing on the facts, trends and material impacts of The Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, and other global initiatives. These initiatives are responses to pervasive, underlying threats to organizations’ license to operate. By understanding these threats, organizations can become more agile and resilient to the changes that an unpredictable market, climate and policy environment inevitably bring.

2) Integrated Thinking: Connecting Performance with Purpose

What are the business implications of these megatrends and how can organizations respond to them? Through the ‘Integrated Thinking’ concept, developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), TCF members will learn how they can reconcile competitiveness and sustainable growth to take advantage of the opportunities and face the challenges of the market.

3) Information Blind Spots: Understand and Manage Environmental and Social Impact

Finance teams usually take center stage to provide management information that fosters the generation of solutions. However, as observed in a recent CIMA research report, financial information complemented with a mishmash of sustainability tactics does not guarantee business decisions and strategies for long-term value creation. Instead innovation today requires an integrated approach that combines financial performance data with environmental and social impact information – currently a notorious blind spot in most organizations.

To address this blind spot, lean versions of two tools will be customized for each TCF Member:

(a) Environmental P&L (“EP&L”), an open-source ecological footprinting tool developed and implemented by Kering, and

(b) Social Value Analysis (“SVA”), a globally-recognized methodology that has been recently promoted by the world’s largest private equity fund.

Together with financial information, both tools provide TCF members with a fundamentally upgraded business operating system to drive innovation and sustained competitive advantage.

4) Change Management

Today’s fast-changing world demands more than yesterday’s ‘change management’; it requires the capacity to engage continuously and proactively with the change occurring around the organization and its constituents.

TCF offers customized consulting support : meeting time at a 3:1 ratio over the duration of the program.